Mending Moon
Slow Pace Wholeness
How can Tarot Support a Trauma Healing Journey? An Opening of the Key Reading

How can Tarot Support a Trauma Healing Journey? An Opening of the Key Reading

Tarot can be a wonderful support for our healing journeys after trauma or complex trauma. It is not a replacement for licensed therapy, but is a spiritual, metaphysical, and psyche-logical tool in its own right, and can be an important part of the long haul recovery path. In this video I use the First Operation of the Opening of the Key to ask "How Can Tarot Help on our Trauma Recovery Journeys?" The answer we received was so appropriate and illuminating, showing the strengths the modality has for supporting trauma healing, and provided inspiration for multiple ways we can practically use the tarot for this purpose. 🔮 TO BOOK A READING WITH ME please visit *************** 🌠 I am not a licensed mental health professional. If you're in crisis, please contact a qualified support person, safe emergency service, or a Hotline.  ❗THIS WEBSITE LISTS ENGLISH AND ESPANOL CRISIS HOTLINES AROUND THE WORLD: *************** In this video I reference... *Parts Work: I like Teal Swan's videos on this) @tealswanofficial *Family Systems Therapy: the late great Peter Gerlach PhD created a free college-caliber course for working on healing complex trauma, including from pre-birth. It's here: and his YouTube is here: @gercacn *Bessel Van der Kolk PhD "The Body Keeps the Score" On how complex trauma is trapped in the body and how we can recover *************** TIMESTAMPS 0:00 to 1:35 Introduction and Disclaimer 1:35 to 2:36 What is the OOTK? 2:45 to 3:50 Prayer 3:50 to 4:30 Shuffling the Vice Versa Deck 4:30 to 5:50 Shuffling: a few “fliers”: Hermit, 7 of Wands, and 10 of Cups 6:09 to 6:40 Shuffling: more on OOTK: 4 stacks 6:40 to 7:00 Shuffling and Cutting 7:00 to 7:40 Creating the Stacks, Significator (Tower) 7:40 to 8:15 Finding the Significator in the Air pile 8:15 to 9:10 laying out the Air stack 9:10 to 9:48 The Tower, its significations and relevance to trauma 9:50 to 10:38 The First Operation: explaining counting 10:38 to 12:35 Counting the cards 12:35 to 13:23 Adjacent to the Significator: Star and King of Cups 13:23 to 16:27 The Star numerically following the Tower, the Fool’s Journey 16:27 to 23:29 The Star close up: water symbolism, subconscious, law of synchronicity 23:30 to 24:09 King of Cups: Mastery of our Feelings 24:09 to 24:50 review after starting video again 24:50 to 25:50 Swords 25:50 to 31:55 3 of Swords: the Tarot as showing the entire spectrum of experience, Tarot showing things as they are. By seeing our experience reflected, we can feel solace. 31:55 to 36:58 Page of Swords: facing the storm, ability to use the mind to navigate challenges. Beginning to use the pain to their advantage. Being stabilized by storytelling. Pages as Earth. Trauma being held in the body. Combining mental and physical methods. 36:58 to 42:50 The Lovers: union of opposites, facing and integration of the shadow side in harmony. Tarot as Shadow Work. Examples of Shadow Work questions to ask the Tarot. Fragmentation and Integration. Using Tarot to support that work. 42:50 Summary: Tarot can help us to manage painful experience by understanding them. It provides archetypes to embody to take charge of our life, shows us the natural order of recovery, supports connecting to the unconscious and emotions, and provides a method for connecting with and integrating our shadow self and lost parts. #tarot #tarotreading #tarotcards #viseversatarot #openingofthekey #ootk #shadowwork #shadowworktarot #tarotfortraumarecovery #traumahealing #traumainformedcoach #tarotreader #tarotcardreading #traumahealingjourney #divinationforhealing #tarotsupport

Mending Moon
Slow Pace Wholeness
Cultivating Wholeness through Spiritual Practice: Astrology, Tarot, Psychic Wellness, Emotional Healing, Creativity, and more.