Mending Moon
Slow Pace Wholeness
Readings by Rue Samples: #1, Astrology for Elizabeth Ashley

Readings by Rue Samples: #1, Astrology for Elizabeth Ashley

A full-length Astrology client reading by Cheryl Anne Ruebner for Elizabeth Ashley. Recorded on 24 September 2023 at 14:00 GMT. This is also my first client reading EVER, besides first public example. I was nervous and it showed. But, "you gotta start somewhere." Elizabeth wanted to know about her transits during the time period including her book launch events and her beginning a University program. To learn more about Elizabeth, visit To explore more of my work or book a reading of your own, visit 2:20 intro 4:20 Pluto trine Pluto: “easier” transformation. began 3/21, ending soon 7:30 E's initiation with the Priestesses of Demeter 8:10 after 3 passes (3 steps of an initiation process) E is now presenting the result of her work from that cycle. So, this transit has been a great success. 9:40 a Mars progression coincides with. Prep for a workshop approx 2 months later. The prep involved shamanic work with Eucalyptus (Jupiter ruled). 11:40 to 13:20 noob nervousness 13:20 to 15:20 Transit Pluto sextile Natal Jupiter 15:20 to 18:30 Pl stations direct on Oct 10, 3 days after E begins Uni. This will amplify the energy of all of the Pluto transits she is going through, as Stations are more relevant to our experience than either direct or rx motion. Affects the Uni chart, not the Book charts. An opportunity to transform her knowledge base. She will be able to go really deep in her studies. 18:35 to 24:20 last quarter Saturn square. How this relates to the Saturn Return cycle, what that is.  24:20 one of E's motivations is being able to back up the work in her book with much more deep academic research 23:30 to 28:00 Sat goes direct btwn Nov 5-7th.  28:20 to 31:00 Progressed Moon in Balsamic phase right now.  31:25 launch parties and book launch 32:00 Astroid #Demeter perfects a trine to her natal Sun at the first party. A blessing, and the energy of Demeter will flow through her during the first event and subsequent ones also.  33:10 lunar days 34:40 to 40:40 the events fall on the same day as the ancient rituals that the book is about would have been on!  35:35 the 2nd party during the waning full moon, Venus perfects a square to Uranus  38:22 bees and ecology 41:30 moon sq Pluto feminine challenging power constructs. How is this different from Venus sq Uranus 42:20 Mercury trine Uranus 42:40  book launch. Demeter tr natal Sun still applying. Tight Venus trine North Node of moon. A positive omen helping the goal, bring an audience to the goal.  44:20 Moon opposite Haumea: Hawaiian mother goddess. rebirth and motherhood activated. Similar archetypes as Demeter 45:15 the tightest aspect in the chart is Moon Biquintile Hygieia. New habits (biq) regarding healthy (hygieia) emotions (moon) 47:25 Elizabeth talks about how the #Melissae Priestesses would service dreaming rituals with Hygeia and Ascleipius 48:30 Moon will be transiting Elizabeth’s first house, reflecting how the book cannot be separated from her identity 48:40 Sun on natal descendant: the audience is also highlighted in a major way. Balancing of full moon energies. 51:15 Makemake asteroid conjoins the Sun: the audience is the real resource for the manifestation of the book’s results in the world  52:50 Elizabeth asks about money. I note Venus conjunction Venus transit which bodes well for money. I pull up the chart and examine this aspect. By 59:20 I deduce that money may not come right away, but potential is there. I’d have to look deeper to really answer the question.

Mending Moon
Slow Pace Wholeness
Cultivating Wholeness through Spiritual Practice: Astrology, Tarot, Psychic Wellness, Emotional Healing, Creativity, and more.