Mending Moon
Slow Pace Wholeness
EFT Tapping: Dissolving Thoughts of Future Money Scarcity; Neuroplasticity Healing Practice Session

EFT Tapping: Dissolving Thoughts of Future Money Scarcity; Neuroplasticity Healing Practice Session

A recording of an EFT session focused on dissolving the root cause of thoughts of monetary scarcity. Content references faith, acknowledging past traumas as being the cause of anxiety, looking at the facts of how one has always been provided for, including in unexpected ways, how one’s angels, guides and ancestors are supporting a person to move past the lesson of “dissolving the scarcity miasm” and replacing it with “the program of creating the conditions to receive, and then receiving,” the neurological and fractal quantum effect of the practice, reassuring the inner child, and more. Please visit for more content and offerings.

Mending Moon
Slow Pace Wholeness
Cultivating Wholeness through Spiritual Practice: Astrology, Tarot, Psychic Wellness, Emotional Healing, Creativity, and more.